Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Calico Quilt

I have been reading Amos 4: 10 -5:5 With Thru The Bible Radio with Dr. J. Vernon McGee and this is from Poem and Quotes
Aunt Jane of Kentucky

"How much piecin' a quilt is like livin' a life. Many a time I've set and listened to Parson Page preachin' about predestination and free will and I said to myself, if I could just get up there in the pulpit with one of my quilts, I could make life a heap plainer then Parson's making it with his big words. "You see, to make a quilt, you start out with just so much calico. You'll go to the store and pick it out,n' buy it, but the neighbors give you a piece here and a piece there and you'll find you'll have a piece left over every time you cut out a dress and you just take whatever happens to come. That's predestination. "But when it comes to cutting the quilt, why, you're free to choose your own pattern. You give the same kind of pieces to two persons and one'll make a nice patch quilt and the other one'll make a wild goose chase. There'll be two quilts made of the same kind of pieces, but just as different as can be. That's the way of living.
"The Lord sends us the pieces, we can cut'em out and put them together pretty much to suit ourselves. There's a heap more in the cutting out and the sewing than there is in the calico."
-Eliza Calvert Hall, 1898


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this Patsy. I love this post. Blessings to you and Bennie today.

Renie Burghardt said...

So true! And a wonderful parable. Thank you for sharing it, Patsy.

Hope you're having a blessed Sunday. It's now raining in the Ozarks, but very mild temperatures.



Balisha said...

This is my first time here. I loved the post. Wonderful old story.

RURAL said...

Are those not some of the wisest words ever spoken?



Far Side of Fifty said...

Uplifting thoughts today Patsy Thank you:)

Annie said...

What a great post - you're SO right! Thanks for the thought provoking ideas.

A Colorful World said...

OK, it is just such a post as this that I will be missing terribly while I take my break! This was just darling! Patsy, I will still be around, but for a while I plan to not be a "blogger" in the strictest sense, and I hope you will forgive me. I do plan to post something every couple of months or so (I imagine I'll be posting on Pieceful-ness a little more often as I finish quilts and want to brag! :-)) But, I won't be commenting on others blogs for a while. I hate it, but there's a really good reason--I am starting a new job! Anyway, I saw your comment on Mom's blog about my Lone Star and I had to let you know....I gave up and turned those strips into something else. Did you see the post I did on Piecefulness about the mess I was making? :-) Well, it became a very nice quilt top for Dad that I will post very soon. Gotta get it quilted. Thanks SO much for asking! Love this post, anyway, and I sure will miss you! Take care till we can exchange some pleasantries again...

Barbara said...

Very interesting Patsie.