Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Could it be that all over blog land today we have strong winds?
Wind in the pines


Lona said...

It is sure blowing here in Ohio. Limbs everywhere. Electricity blinking on and off.So far it blew over a plant stand teepee on the front porch.Dirt everywhere. Cleaned up and tied down now ;-) Even blew the large hand pump that I had for a fountain over and I can hardly budge it myself. Looking bad here so far and suppose to get worse. Hold onto your hats Hannah and forget about the umbrella's or you will be Mary Poppins. LOL!

Darla said...

Yes mam it could be...

Anonymous said...

Here in GA, we are having strong winds as well. The kitten is trying to chase all the thousands of leaves!!!

Becca's Dirt said...

It is windy here too. Winds are out of the north and bringing us much colder temps tonight. My neighbors privacy fence blew down into my yard last night.

Shelley said...

Yes - it is blowing up a storm here! I had to chase my garbage cans for 2 blocks!! :-)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Your wind came whooooshing over to my neck of the woods. "Oh bother" as Winnie-the-Pooh says. :-)