Monday, November 16, 2009

Cranberry Sauce

Suzanne of "Chickens in the Road" help me again. First it was Apple Jelly. Now she had Making Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce For the Holidays on her post the other day. The Bennie made it today.
Now when we want cranberry sauce I will have it all year ,not just for Holidays.

So pop over and get the recipe it was so easy to make. She is on my side bar. Thanks Suzanne.


RURAL said...

Mmmmm I love cranberry sauce. I love cranberry anything.

I have to say, it is kind of surreal when I read about American Thanksgiving. I keep thinking to myself, but we had it last month. And then the ball drops, oh right! It is the other Thanksgiving.


Darla said...

Isn't that just beautiful in those jars? I can see it sitting on a shelf in the kitchen!

Lona said...

Patsy it looks so pretty in the cans and yummy too. I think I am the only one who likes it in the family so I never make any. Maybe I should indulge myself ;-)

Shelley said...

I love making homemade jams and sauces! Glad you alerted me to this! I love that Chickens in the Road Blog!

Maggie Ann said...

I too love cranberry sauce and never even thought you could can it yourself. The best part was when I read...'the Benny made it today'!!! what a guy you have! I'll check out the recipe and run it by my guy...grin.

Come Away With Me said...

It looks delicious. And it's pretty too!