Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"Houston" We Have a Problem

I had put a row of pansies where the pink heaths is now blooming.
The Pansies full grown started to  disappear only a hole would
be left.

This is a rodent a VOLE  is the problem,it takes the 
flowers down that hole and eats the roots.
The gardener puts a heavy mulch in the beds every spring
that is what they like roots and bark.

The solution is poison  gas pumped in the holes or mouse traps
with peanut butter on them. They come out at night.
We will try five traps if this fails the gardener will  have to make
that other call.
In all my years of having gardens never ever had this problem
in Texas , Ark , or Tennessee.


Karen said...

I think this is what destroyed my plants when I lived in Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

We have had these at one of our yards/gardens and it ate everything!

Terra said...

I hope you fix your vole problem. We have gophers and it is pretty hard to get rid of them, though our cat kills some. When I plant an herb or any plant 1 gallon or bigger I plant it in a gopher cage; they now sell small inexpensive cages for little plants.
I hope you don't use poison, I hate to think of a wild critter or bird or cat eating a poisoned vole.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We have voles here too...they ate the roots of one of Hydrangeas...just left sticks. Hope you get him in the trap:)

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have an idea maybe the Bennie could get the vole with a sling shot! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOODNESS! I do know that they have such a high metabolism that they have to eat many times their weight each day.

Mari said...

Oh no! We have never dealt with them, but we do have moles making tunnels in our yard.