Thursday, November 19, 2009


They put them in a square box with a slit for the stem and let them grow.


Barbara said...

My, they don't look real!! Interesting.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Oh my goodness I've never imagined a square watermelon !
Wonder what the purpose is ?
They do look nice I must admit, like oversized candles ;)

Latane Barton said...

That's the craziest thing I ever saw. I have to admit they will be easier cut and served and they won't roll around in your car after you've bought them.

Latane Barton said...

Love your header picture, Patsy!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

I am already missing fresh fruit and veggies! What a pretty header photo Patsy.

Patsy said...

I think I would like the square, like Latane said they would be easy to cut and serve.

Come Away With Me said...

Wow, I love these square watermelon! What a sight that is...

Lona said...

Isn't that fascinating. Somehow just not right also ;-) You wouldn't have to worry about them rolling around and they would stack pretty well.
Have a wonderful weekend!