----In whatsoever state I am , therein to be content. (Phil. 4:11, RV----Be content in it even if not with it.)

Strong grows the oak in the sweeping storm,-- Safely the flower sleeps under the snow,-- And the farmer's hearth is never warm -- Till the cold wind starts to blow.

By Josiah Gilbert Holland--------In Traveling Toward Sunrise------- By Mrs. Charles Cowman
Hello my dear friends,
Is that your snow pictures?? We have been pretty lucky up until n ow only 2 snowfalls.this season. However they are calling for some tonight oh! my!! don't want it!!! lovely poem. Have a very blessed week-end
Is that your yard? It has snowed here at my place all day but nothing on the ground. It is really cold too!
You got snow!! We are waiting for ours that should come during the night.
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