The Bennie is home and doing good , will be back to his sweet old self in a day or two. While I was setting with the sick and being (The alter ego ) that he had to work at to over come. You know things like I don't think you should do that , let me call the nurse - no no don't pull out the tube down your throat. After the nurse came with help and shot him back to sleep, I got two books read. I got Three Cups of Tea read and a book I got in the gift shop by Clive Cussler , The Chase. I think I may read some of his other books.
Praise God he is better! Nice that you got some good reading in, even at his expense, haha.
So pleased to hear Bennie is home and recovering. Sounds like the nurse was a bit rough with him when she "shot him back to sleep". Sounds painful!
He needed to be shot, sometimes he could be so bad, he did not want to be there.
Patsy, I'm so glad to hear that Bennie is home and is doing better.
I haven't read any of Cussler's books but they look interesting. I'm on a Robert B. Parker kick now, reading books from his 'Spenser' series.
I'm glad the nurse came to help you deal with the situation. Poor Bennie must be so tired of it all. I kow how I was when I was in the hospital. Crochetti! I just wanted to go home. As you say, Bennie will be back to his sweet self again soon.
Enjoy the book!
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