Otto Tate
World War II 1945 Camp Josepth T. Robinson, Little Rock Arkansas
B: 1913-- D: Memorial Day 1990
My Father |
Branches and twigs of my family:
William L.Elliott
World War I 1918 Camp Pike Arkansas
Eighty-Seventh Division Pvt 162 Depot Brigade
B:1896--D:1938 |
Jimmy Dale Moody
United State Marine Corps, Selective Service
Casualty, Republic of Vietnam, South Vietnam
Died from hostile fire 24 March1967
B: 1946
Wanna Shelton Hampton Ist Lieutenant
World War II
Army 1942--1948
Wounded twice, awarded two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star.
Saw action in North Africa Campaign--The Battle of the Bulge
Army 1950--1953
Army 1959--1962
An NCO Ist Lieutenant in the Korean War
B: 1921--D:1990 |
Brother to W.S
Willard E. Hampton
U.S.Army World War II 1942--1943
Was wounded on Attu in the Aleutian Islands
Receiving the Purple Heart
B:1911--D:1981 |
The Bronze Star is awarded for "Heroic or meritorious acts.
Purple Heart is awarded for "Being wounded or killed in action against an enemy of the United States.
This is why we are free today because our family members fought and died for it.
Please vote in November for the freedom of the United States of America.