My Genealogy work is about to end , it has been quit a journey of history in to the past for me.
There has been renewed bonds with old and new family members.
After over 5 years of research I know where all of the parts of the person I am are located. I have been to pay my respects to most.
My dear sainted husband Bennie who hates cemeteries ,but went to every one in East Tennessee ,North East Arkansas and Missouri with me. I have met cousins face to face who have been a big part in helping me, some I had never met and didn't know them before. They came from Colorado, Virginia,Missouri,Arkansas and California.
One book has been published on the Leehy and Chumley family by Anita Powell Stevenson on Amazon. I have made this all public on Ancestry with DNA on one family. We (cousins and I) placed a headstone on a great grandmothers grave after we found it.
There have been love triangles.
Tragic death's, wars and murder with shunned family's. Most were hard working pioneers on a pilgrimage for new land and life in this America that I love.

If you enlarge the photo you can read the name's of family's and if you are a part of them
let me hear from you.